Our clients and their families are always our first priority. As the global health climate continues to shift, we are doing everything within our ability to make sure that the communities we serve remain safe and healthy.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 also referred to as Coronavirus, is a respiratory virus that originated overseas in Wuhan, China. It has an incubation period of about 10 days and has a high mortality rate. Older individuals or those with compromised immune systems are particularly at risk. This being the case, it is important that our community do everything it can to prevent and stop the spread of COVID-19.
How Does COVID-19 Spread?
COVID-19 spreads like any other flu-like virus. It can be contracted when one comes into contact with someone who has the virus (via sneezing or coughing) or touches an infected surface. It’s most commonly passed by the exchange of bodily fluids like mucus or sweat. It’s suspected that around 50% of those infected are asymptomatic, meaning they don’t show common signs of the illness, or may not even become sick at all. Becoming sick may be as simple as touching a contaminated surface and then touching your hands or face without washing your hands.
CareLink takes the Coronavirus threat very seriously and is adhering to CDC guidelines when it comes to serving our clients and community.
How To Get Tested For COVID-19
If you believe that you have coronavirus, it’s important that you get tested. Many different facilities have been made publicly available for testing purposes. Some pharmacies are even offering drive-through options for testing that require minimal contact. At this time, the current testing for COVID-19 is called a nasopharyngeal swab. During this process, a medical technician will swab the inside of your nose with a 6-inch cotton swab then send off your sample for testing.
If you decide to visit your doctor for care, it’s critical that you call ahead to the office and let them know that you think you may be infected. Doing this will allow the staff to ensure that their safety measures are in place to protect themselves as well as any other patients that are in the office from potential infection.
How To Stop The Spread of COVID-19
The best way to protect yourself is to practice safe social distancing. The less you have to interact with others, the less your chances are of contracting the symptoms. If you must be out in public, make sure that you’re wearing a mask and gloves if possible, and ensure you’re staying at least 6 feet away from other people. If you’re having your groceries or other amenities delivered, wipe down any packaging with a bacteria-killing sanitizer, and be sure to wash your hands after handling these goods.
Is there a cure for COVID-19?
While labs all over the world are working to eradicate Coronavirus, at this time, there is no cure nor is there a vaccine. Testing is moving by leaps and bounds, but vaccines are still in trial stages, and experts don’t expect to have a mass-available vaccine for several months. It may be as late as next year before a coronavirus cure or a vaccine are finally available.

More COVID-19 Resources
Protecting Loved Ones From COVID-19
COVID-19 isn’t picky about who it affects. Learn what steps you can take to protect your loved ones from the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 and the Elderly
Learn about how COVID-19 is affecting the elderly population and what you can do to ensure you and the seniors in your life stay happy, healthy, and safe.
COVID-19 and Chronic Illness
Learn about how COVID-19 affects those with chronic diseases that may be compromising their immune systems.
Preventing Social Isolation During COVID-19
Social isolation is a serious concern during COVID-19. For caregivers and loved ones of older adults, preventing social isolation during a pandemic is critical. Learn more about how to prevent social isolation during COVID-19.